Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Feeling Lighter

Here's one way to lose some weight...


Anonymous said...

Mark Twain once said that the only sure ways to lose weight were to cut your hair and trim your fingernails.

Sarah P said...

oh my gosh i love it! Very cute!!!! You are soooooo thin!!!!!!

Deb said...

Wow, I know we are supposed to be looking at your hair but I have to say you don't look at all like a "big girl" to me. You look great.

Hanlie said...

You have fabulous hair! And you look great too!

Anonymous said...


now. may I count on you to come here and have an intervention for me?

or babysit while I go to SUPERCUTS :) either way...

Blueberry Muffin Queen (Jenn) said...

You look really good! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Hehe. Looks good! Having a nice hair cut makes you feel so good, doesn't it?

Allison said...

You might have to change the name of your blog, because you are certainly not a big girl, missy. :)