Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Life is About to Change

This whole part time work deal is starting to shape up FAR better than I ever, in a gazillion years, imagined.

For the past 2 years, I've been working 6:30a to 3:30p and rushing off to pick up The Little Miss from her personal servants, I mean nannies. That means in 2 years, Monday through Friday, I have had absolutely NO time to myself except for little brief moments here and there, including the 6 minute drive I have to work.

About 2 months ago, The Little Miss started preschool 3 days a week going from 9a-1p. We've managed to juggle the pick-up/drop-off dilemma by relying on friends and family to drop off The Little Miss and the Nannies to pick up. We also made the decision I would go part-time so I could be available to do those duties on a daily basis . In September, she'll be going 5 days a week.

At some point in the distant future, The Little Miss was going to start staying the afternoons, napping at school and pick-up would be around 4:30p. Nice. Well, that distant future is happening MUCH sooner than I thought since she announced last Friday that she wanted to stay there with her "big friends." She's done the same both days this week and just like, she's napping there and staying all day. Did you just hear that? ALL DAY!

What this means for me is I'm going to have me some free time. Every. Single. Day. Hours of it. All by myself. No husband. No busy 2 year old. Do you understand just how much I can do in 3 1/2 hours every single day? I am totally beside myself and can't help walking around in a daze, with glazed over eyes and a sly little smirk on my face.

I haven't really spelled out the fact that I'm going to have so much time to The Husband. I figure, he's a smart guy and has already put the pieces together that I'm getting a pretty good deal here. Besides, whenever I talk about it I get all giddy and can stop smiling. I feel like I'm getting away with something naughty.


Christa said...

That is so wonderful you! We all need some time to ourselves--that's what the gym is for me :) Let me know what you do with that time :)

Christine said...


This will make your life so much easier :) It'll also hopefully make weight loss easier, too!

ptg said...

YAY for you time!!!

Anonymous said...


Im ready and eager for those days to come!


Alli said...

That is so awesome!!!! So what plan do you hav for that extra 3 hrs of alone time? I so wish I could work part time.

Missicat said...

good for you! You sound so happy!

Pattie said...

Yep - time to yourself is a good thing. You're gonna love it! And it will make time with the little one and with hubby that much better because you'll have taken care of YOU.


Irish Mom said...

MMMMM, free time!! Smells so sweet. Manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, the possibilities are endless!! Enjoy it, you deserve it!!

Diana Swallow said...

I'm so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

hehehe. I can't say that I understand, I don't have children. I say I don't have time now, but I can't even begin to imagine.

Good for you though for getting some "YOU" time. It's important!

Anonymous said...

Good deal...:)