Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm a Late Bloomer

Call me a late bloomer, but I just discovered the wonderfully addictive world of ebay. I wish I had never gotten started. I’ve been able to sell a couple things and actually made some money, but those dollars have quickly been turned around to buy things like this succulent little bikini for The Little Miss.

And yes, that is her running in the sprinklers yesterday. It's one of the joys of living in California and the joy of me working only part time.


Jessica @ Pudget: Losing Weight On A Budget said...

So cute! I am really jealous of the sun, grass and that cute little sprnkler ball. It snowed here yesterday.
Where did you find that sprinkler. My daughters would love it. In a few months anyway :)

Teresa said...

Oh the joys of summer. I'll be so glad when our weather just stops changing. Snow on Saturday, expecting 80 by Friday.

Lovebug6100 said...

We had over a foot of snow on Monday - seeing your daughter makes me envious!!!

Tina said...

That's a really great photo! Summer arrives here this weekend. Can't wait!

M said...

OMG, that reminds me so much of my own childhood, sprinklers and sunshine are one of my favorite combinations!

Unknown said...

Great pic! You must not be up here in Northern CA. It has been raining all week so far. :( Enjoy the sunshine! Im thrilled that we get to spring the clocks forward soon! lol Its the little things in life, right?


Shelley said...

What fun your little miss is having! You are a good mommy!

new*me said...

It's supposed to be 80 here in KS tomorrow! Just Saturday we had snow and 5 degrees! The kiddos would freak out if I broke out the sprinkler..........maybe! :)

Anonymous said...

Im so bad at resisting things like that BUT for some reason (thankfully) the auction stuff merely annoys me.

the BUY NOW! items, however....

Anonymous said...

Your Little Miss is adorable!

Hate you for your weather ;) We'll have snow for a long time yet around here!