Friday, June 19, 2009

Feeling Like A Race Horse

I started going to the gym again this week after my brief hiatus because of that nasty June cold. I go to the YMCA and they have a little play room crawling with other kids and festering with germs where I put The Little Miss while I hit the cardio room. It seems to be working well for the both of us. A little playtime with other short humans for her and a little workout time for me.
I started the C25k, again. First week done, again. I had done it once, but since I was waylaid for a week I felt as though I should start again, just to give myself a fighting chance of making through. There’s the 5 minute warm up and then alternating a 60 second run with 90 seconds of walking and then 5 minutes of cool down. The whole workout lasts 31 minutes. Pretty quick and relatively easy. The runs went better than I had hoped in fact, when my little personal trainer came on to tell me to walk, I felt as though I had a more running in me. But, I’m sticking to the plan and listened, for once, to instructions.

Here’s my challenge though, when I start running I feel like I have to pee like a race horse. I’ve tried running before and have never had that sensation, is it because I’m a little older? Because I had a baby and things get stretched and pulled, down there? Help! Does this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions?


Hanlie said...

Gosh, I can't help you there... My pelvic floor is just a rumor, but I haven't experienced that before! Good for you for getting back to gym so quickly!

Wendy said...

YES, it happens to me too. I have to wear a pad when i run and go to kickboxing class. that is what childbirth will do to you! if it is severe, there is a surgery that can fix it. i am going to have that surgery in the future after i am sure i am done having kids! in the meantime you can do your kegals!

Gigi said...

Sorry to hear about this problem. Wish I had some suggestions but don't.

Good for you and getting back there and kicking some cardio *ss. Had to laugh about the little
festering germ factory that is the Y daycare. It's good practice for school.

Mary :: A Merry Life said...

I had the june cold too - booo! Glad you are back to exercising though! I have no idea about your running question, but I hope you find an answer/solution.

Anonymous said...

I do have the same problem sometimes. I always try to pee or use the bathroom right before I go on the treadmill.

Start Kegels too....they do help, even if it seems silly!

Sagan said...

Good for you for getting back on it! Kinda nice for the Little Miss to get is some playtime as well.

Lynn said...

Yep, I hear ya.

I have the same problem, I think it's related to childbirth.

My mother told me she has the same problem as well, and her doctor told her to take a sudafed (don't ask me why) every day to control it. I haven't tried that, I'd like to figure out WHY before I do it..

Sandy said...

Yes, I have it, too, it's formal name is "stress incontinence". I've never had children, but I've been up and down with my weight. It's gotten worse since I have a pinched nerve in my back now. Sometimes just "thinking" about needing to pee makes it worse. I have problems when I cough or sneeze, or lift something heavy, or bend over. Seems like anything that involves my core ab muscles, causes it and sometimes, let's just say I can't get to the bathroom quick enough...What a pain!!

Asianmommy said...

Yes, try Kegel's.

Missicat said...

Sorry to hear about that problem...I would try the Kegels too.
Good luck with the workouts!