1. to bring to its goal or conclusion; carry out; perform; finish: to accomplish one's mission.
2. to complete (a distance or period of time): to have accomplished the age of 70; We accomplished the journey in little more than an hour.
3. Archaic. to provide polish to; perfect.
Origin: 1350–1400; ME, earlier accomplice <> ac + complir ≪ L complēre to fill; see complete
Synonyms:1. complete, fulfill; execute, effect, do.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.
With each new year, there seems to be that fresh beginning, the optimism, the wave of new energy. As the last of 2009 faded, the word accomplish kept repeating itself to me. Accomplish. Accomplish. It chose me and it felt right to me. So, that is my word for 2010.
There’s a lot I want to do this year and this word will be used as the springboard to get me there.
I want to have the strength to follow my voice and make this the year to accomplish so many things I’ve put off, been too scared to try.
I want to get the mundane chores done. No putting off checking the homeowners policy any more. No more putting off getting the will done. No more putting off making hard choices.
I want to change my body. I want to exercise more. I want to eat better. I want to feel more alive.
I want to make a business out of my creativity. I have an etsy site but I need to manage it. I want to find the courage to approach schools about my snack bags. There’s a market and need for them.
There’s so much to do. So much I want to get done. All this will require, focus, hard work, a positive attitude and courage. But I have a desire to see the finish line.
May your year be filled with big dreams and the power, strength and will to accomplish them.

That's a great word. You can move mountains!
I like your plan - and think you should keep a checklist going for the year so you can see all that you accomplishment - that, also, is an accomplishment!
Do you watch The Office? When I put that disclaimer on my post today I had the urge to write "I Disclaim a Cookbook!" in the same way Michael yelled out "I Declare Bankrupcy!" a few seasons back. Dumb FCC rules for bloggers!
That is a good word! Sounds better than "execute". Good luck!
Good choice! I think accomplish is a great word to start off a new year.
Love this post - especially your closing line. Hope it all comes together for you this year and always.
I love your word! Go get em! :)
I'm looking forward to seeing you accomplish all of your goals in 2010!
Wishing you a year chock full of accomplishments!
I love this post! You can do so much!
That's my word for you this year. :)
Mine is HARMONY and Im praying for and working toward...
Hmmm...I like it! I especially like that it chose you too!
You can do it!! (your marketing genius is standing by with help!)
Awesome word!! I am feeling the very same way this year.
My cousin and I used to do that, have a word to describe and create a goal for the new year. We didn't pick a word this year. I'll have to remind her :) Sounds like you have some great goals lined up!
This is a great post for a new year. Good for you! And you'll be glad you took the "before photos" too. I was! I wish I did them while pregnant - oh well.
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