I end up walking about 3 miles around the neighborhood by the office. I love looking at all the houses, the gardens, flowers in bloom and generally just enjoy a pretty afternoon. I thought I'd share with all of you just some of the things I saw on my walk on Friday. Enjoy!

Heading up the street from the office

These beautiful Jacaranda trees are in bloom all over town

Cute little house for sale... no, I don't know how much but, probably close to a cool million, yikes!
The Santa Barbara Mission
The dude on the Segway
The Courthouse and someone enjoying a sunny ride
The play structure at the park
There you have it, a small sip-it of what my walks are like. Pretty nice, I think.
Those pics are lovely!
You say on your profile: "We live in an area of the country where being anything bigger than a size 6 is considered unacceptably large and in a town where movie stars live."
Would that be LA, or one of the suburbs of LA?
You have to help me here I am a simple London lass from the UK with not a huge amount of knowledge about the US.
Although one of my favourite cop shows is Columnbo, the most famous LAPD detective ever!
Verr pretty!!! I am jealous!!
Looks like a lovely place to walk around.
Santa Barbara is on my list of places I'd like to see in the States. I LOVE that tree--I've never actually seen a jacaranda. Do they have any fragrance?
Great job on the walking!
Manuela~ Jacaranda's don't have any fragrance but they are absolutely beautiful this time of year when they are in bloom. The flowers fall off and create sidewalks gorgeously littered in purple.
That's such a beautiful walk you've got! I love the trees.
How gorgeous! When I worked I always LOVE LOVE LOVED my lunch break - teaching it's only 30 minutes, but it was 30 minutes of pure heaven!
OH, and isn't that house too cute? I want it!
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