Friday, October 24, 2008

Setting a New Goal

It's been a lazy week on the diet/exercise front. Not sure why, but it just was. I stepped on the scale this morning and I was neither up nor down so I'm holding tight.

I feel like I'm in a funk. It's been hard for me to motivate, hard for me to cut back on my portions and hard for me to care about trying to lose weight. I think partially it's because I'm smaller now that I have been in YEARS and I'm totally psyched about that. I reached my goal. I'm there! Yeah for me.

But now what? I have yet to figure out what my next goal should be. I'm not sure what I want. Do I want to be a certain size? Do I want to lose X amount of pounds? Do I want maintain here? What? I need to think about it and really try and focus on a new goal. And I really think it's important to have a goals in mind so when you do accomplish one, you have something new to strive for.

In the mean time, I'll try and get my groove back this weekend, but more likely it will be next week since my weekends have always been my pitfall. The plan is, we have some family coming over on Saturday for a BBQ and Sunday we're celebrating our friends 3 year old birthday on Sunday. Both events sound like opportunities to dive off the deep end and gorge myself or opportunities to make good choices. I hope it's the latter.

I'm ready to check out of this work situation for a couple of days, it's been a bitch lately. And can I also add the drop in the stock market and bad economic news has become quite a bore.


Christie O. said...

i'm the same way, i always need something to work toward. i get too bored too easily. for me it's runs, i made a 5k my goal and i did that. but then i got scared because i didn't have anything else and doing another 5k would be boring, so now i'm doing a 10k and i'm kicking my own butt. but hey, gotta have a goal, right? hahaha! good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Holding steady is a good thing. I think having a new goal will help towards getting that groove back. Wishing you good choices this weekend!

Anonymous said...

*struggling. not. to. urge. you. to. think. visualize. positive. thoughts. for. a. healthy. weekend.*


Anonymous said...

Go ahead and make another goal. Keep maintaining at least, but maybe, now that you're on your goal weight, you can make a fitness goal? Want to run a marathon? Hike the Grand Canyon? Learn to scuba dive? Do a cross country bike trip? Just pick a plan for an active lifestyle and go for it :)

Irish Mom said...

I am dying to see your before & after!! You'll find whats right for you and where you need to be physically and mentally.

Yeah for you!!

Aleta said...

I have something to work towards (our wedding), but instead of it motivating me, I'm going in the opposite direction. Reading blogs about goals and people finding a way to their goal weight is an inspiration. Enjoyed your blog.

Heather said...

I felt the same way when I met my goal - I wasnt sure what I should do. I didnt feel ready to maintain, so I kept on going with the weight loss. some days Im glad I did that, other days I feel ready to stop what Im doing. the good thing is that you are taking the time to really think about what you want to do.

Anonymous said...

what was the decision? the new goal thought? any AH HA! moments over the weekend?

Anonymous said...

I finally found my motivation in the exercise classes. I haven't missed one yet and feel guilty even thinking about missing one.

Want me to give you a kick in the butt? I can lift my leg that high, ya know :P

P.S. I am over the whole stock market stuff too. I am over the economy, the presidental race, blah blah blah.

Unknown said...

I like your way of thinking- always having a goal. Even if its something simple and small, it still gives you something to focus on and work towards!