Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm Back

I’m back from visiting The Bride and her new name should be, The I-Cannot-Make-Any-Decisions Bride. I’m completely wedding’ed out and I’ll try my hardest not to complain too much about the whole affair, but I’m not making promises because there is a lot to complain about.

It was, however, really nice to see her and spend some time with her, her fiancé and her parents. It was a lovely weekend filled with the typical landmines of homemade comfort foods, read: food I really shouldn’t be eating. I did really well and watched my portions and ate more of the healthier choices. I came home down a pound. Whew!

I’ve set a goal to be in the 160’s by the end of March when we’ll see each other again to celebrate her 40th birthday with a girls weekend. That’s about 8 pounds which I think that might be a little aggressive but there is a chance I can do it.


Tina said...

Welcome back and way to come home a pound lighter! Great job!

Shelley said...

That's fantastic that you actually LOST weight on a visit w/friends and family!!! Shows you know what to eat, and how much of it.

I'm interested in the wedding plans - call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind if you wrote about them!

Honey Mommy said...

You are awesome! My goal is to get to the 160's... hopefully this year!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Eight pounds might be aggressive, might not. Won't it be fun to try? :)
(I'm thinking you can get close, if not achieve it outright!)

Welcome back!

Sarah said...

Way to go! Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

Mary - A Merry Life said...

I know the feeling of being wedding'ed out! Def.

Good job losing a pound!

ani pesto said...

Welcome back and well done on the pound down. I hate to admit I was that same indecisive a bride myself - I must have driven everyone crazy.

Here's to that 8 pounds being gone for good by the next weddingfest.