Friday, February 13, 2009

One Love

Happy Valentines Day.


Anonymous said...

Have a nice weekend! Happy Valentines Day!

SL said...

Great video. Thanks for sharing. And on your clothes issue, I agree with Cammy about trying other stores or brands. I'm pretty sure I'm bigger than you and I can manage non-plus size stores fairly often. I know sizes vary from brand to brand. Altho it IS discouraging to pick up something that you think will fit and then it won't. My favorite non-plus size brands are designer labels -- but I can find them at the outlets for reasonable prices.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you as well!

Manuela said...

Loved your last post.

I actually went shopping a few days ago and never mind what size you are--everything is so ugly!

We still have some time before spring kicks in and fingers crossed that there are some fun, funky colours out there in styles that aren't hideous :)

Missicat said...

Thanks for posting this - love it! Happy V-Day!