Monday, June 1, 2009

It Brought a Tear to My Eye

On Friday I sent The Little Miss off to school and the she had a planned overnight with her former nanny which she has been looking forward to since I mentioned it earlier in the week. Knowing I wouldn’t see the monkey until the next day we gave her extra hugs and kisses. I was going to miss her.

Me: Ok, baby, give Mama extra hugs and kisses since I’m not going to see you until tomorrow.

TLM: Ok mama, I love you.

Me: I love you too. Does it make you sad that we’re not going to see each other until tomorrow?

TLM: No, I won’t miss you.

Me: Really? How come?

TLM: Because Mama, you’re always with me in my heart.

Seriously? From a 3 year old? I love that little creature.


Shelley said...

Wow - nice job instilling that in her, Mom! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love that when that happens?

Sagan said...

That's so sweet and beautiful! It reminds me of the children's book "The Kissing Hand".

Hanlie said...

O precious! She really is adorable!

Teresa said...

How sweet, they sure put a huge smile on your face.

Tina said...

awwww! Makes me almost want to have one! :) You are such a good mama.

Honib1 said...

well my post did not post, lets try again... absolutely adorable and sweet..

F. McButter Pants said...

Oh hell....I would have bawled too. Kids say the sweetest things.

Thanks for your comments....

Gigi said...

Oh my - TLM has it all figured out and at such an early age. What a lucky girl.

When my little guy was about that age he told me that he was a little chilly just after being tucked in. When I asked him if he wanted another blanket, he said, "No Mommy, your kisses always keep me warm." I'm almost crying just writing that.

Anonymous said...

What a Sweet Little Miss! You should be very proud, look what she learned from YOU!!!!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Oh geez. Between you and Gigi, I'm practically sobbing here.

Lovely moment that will live with you (and now with us) forever.

H.K. said...

What a sweet comment! From that comment I can tell your little 3 year old is a sweet little girl!

Miz said...

Im with shelley. she gets that from you. the sense of safety security and knowing that home and calm and love is within----not without.

not in STUFF or things.

and even when youre not there.

so beautiful.


Asianmommy said...

Aww--how adorable!

Aleta said...

Awwwwww..... those are the treasure me moments!

Anonymous said...

This is my first read of your blog, and that is the most touching story!

They grow up way too fast (my daughter aka "little she me" is about to turn 9).

