Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh Sweet Sugar

Why is it that people think that “sugar free” is a good thing? You’re just replacing sugar with an artificial sweetener. Isn’t natural better?

You obviously know where I stand on this issue.


Honib1 said...

I am having this argument with myself now... to treat the postional vertigo I have.. otherwise known as non symtamatic migraines ( WHO KNEW? ) they want me to give up Nutrisweet, caffiene and chocolate.. EEEEHHHGGG wrong answer.. I am not giving up chocolate .. and I will cut back on diet sodas.. I am down to 1 or 2 a day... and I can go with out caffeine for for the most part.. I am having a time though.. having to give up my diet sunkist.. so I am looking for a safer replacement.. I can give up a good bit.. and I agree its better to eat the sugar than the fake stuff.. but then I go back and forth with this.. I dunno.. you are theoretically right though

Shelley said...

I agree...but then, I've never sweetened my coffee or tea, so it's not like I had to decide which to use. And I don't drink sodas, etc. So when I do have something sweet, which isn't very often, it's the real thing!

Hanlie said...

I agree with you too! I will not allow artificial sweeteners into my body and I use sugar only very occasionally (like when I have dessert).

Gigi said...

Sugar's the real deal for me.

hja60uk said...

I don't use the fake stuff, never have and especially when I saw the medical side effects it can have.

this post only reinforced my hatred for the stuff...

Jules said...

My thoughts have always been... if I'm going to die because of what i eat... i'd rather it be that I ate REAL food, REAL sugar than artificial... Mind you... since I started doing research into the products I use at home so that i could cut artifial stuff out of what we use... on my budget it's almost impossible. I can't afford 100% organic 100% artifial free. ohhh the agony. But i still cut out what I can where I can. And besides... oh so sweet sugar tastes 300x better than the fake stuff... :)

Anonymous said...

im torn on this issue. I dont use splenda/sweet and low etc in the house, in cooking at all. But I drink Sugar free cola simply because its calorie free....

WWSuzi said...

Just this week i stopped using sweetner and sugar :) So far so good.

I Woke Up One Morning And Realized I Was A "Fat Girl" said...

I totally agree with you. I once was 'fooled" by the artificial sweetener trap. It just gave me a false sense of how sweet was sweet. If that makes sense.

Sagan said...


The real thing is always better.