Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are You an Athlete?

I saw this in my Title Nine catalog yesterday from Missy Park, the founder of the company. It really hit a cord with me.

An Athlete is….

A mom squeezing in her workout before the kids wake up.

Candace Parker squeezing in one more rep as she prepares her post-partum body for another season of pro hoops.

A woman who juggles work commitments but never forgets her commitments to herself.

That woman on the elliptical breaking bad habits as she builds a better body.

Dara Torres breaking barriers even if she’s not breaking records.

A girl discovering the competent machine that is her body.

A woman discovering the same thing.

By that definition, I'm an athlete.

What is an athlete to you?


Hanlie said...

Oh I love that! I'm an athlete too!

Gigi said...

Neat post. If I were ever to call myself an athlete I guess it's just because I can now bend over to tie my sneaks instead of propping them up on the chairseat. Mini victories.

Asianmommy said...

Yes, everyone who wants to be an athlete can be--and they can also buy their clothes, too. :)

Aleta said...

I like that description. It gives hope. Nice!

Sagan said...


Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

That means I'm an athlete! I should get a prize!

Seriously though. . I really like this post!

Shelley said...

Great food for thought...I never thought of myself as an athlete, yet according to that article, I am. Not sure that I believe that I'm an athlete...but it's something to think about.

Angie Eats Peace said...

This is awesome.
I think anyone out there, giving it there all is an athlete.
You are one and so am I!

Anonymous said...

I love title nine!! I only wish I could wear their clothes - they're so cute. (I say that knowing full well I probably could wear their clothes, but am too lazy to order and try them on.)

Teresa said...

Great post. Something to think about.

Wendy said...

Loved that! I am an athelete by those definitions too!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Lovelovelove This! I hadn't heard of Title Nine (well, not the catalog), so thanks for the link!

And yes, I am an athlete!

Valerie Roberson said...

Very nice. Something to think about :)

Tina said...

As a marketing geek, that's REALLY good stuff. I wish more products made us think!

Lynn said...

I am so definitely an athlete...

I'm the woman with asthma. Who lost 85 pounds and is learning to run.

I'm the woman who broke her ankle in 5 places, spend 3 months confined to bed, and 6 months learning to walk again. Who is walking 60 miles in October. Who walked 24 miles today.

I am the woman who will NOT give up, who will NOT give in, and who will NOT be told she can't do something.

I am so totally awesome today...

And sunburned.

And a little overdosed on stupid energy drinks. never. again. No. bad juju.

MizFit said...

love the sentence about juggling commitments yet NOT forgetting those to self...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, I needed to see that today! I am on my way to becoming an athlete again.