Thursday, August 27, 2009


Chirp chirp... I hear crickets.

Haven't heard anything back from The Bride about it yet. I have a feeling I won't.


Don't make the same mistake I did yesterday. When you go shopping at Target, make sure you don't wear a red shirt unless you don't mind telling people where certain things are in the store.


I'm off with The Little Miss to San Francisco. I'm looking forward to our 5 hour road trip tomorrow with her chatting away. Wish me luck. Give me (or her) drugs, please.


Tina said...

Have a great trip!! I wish I could just drive to SF! I'm guilty of asking someone wearing a red shirt in Target where something was. Now I make sure to look for a name tag. Same at Best Buy :)

Hanlie said...

Enjoy your road trip!

Shelley said...

Have a great trip - when we used to do the So. Cal to No. Cal. drive with our kids, Benedryl was our friend.

Laughing at you in Target, because that is something I would totally do - both ways!

M said...

Haha, the Target thing is hysterical.

I hope you have a safe trip--Ive always wanted to go to San Francisco!

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip!

(And for what it's worth I've done the same thing at Target before!)

MS. Bad Mama Jama said...

LOL! @ the target comment....

Unknown said...

OOH your coming to visit me? lol SF is a great place to visit- have fun!!!

Target was my 1st job-worst 60 days ever! lol :)

Anonymous said...

Have a great time in SF!!!

SeaShore said...

LOL to the red shirt in Target!